As you walk further away from Temple Bar, the purchasing power of your Euro increases. You find that you can drink a little bit more, eat a little bit better. The contents of your wallet hasn’t changed, but as you glance at the prices, you can’t help but to feel more wealthy. It feels good. That feel-good reaches its apex at approximately 1 mile away from Temple Bar, when you reach the doors of Il Capo. Your serotonin will basically have a rave party inside of your brain. You will feel good. 5 Euros for a 3-topping 9-inch pizza, fries, and a coke. That’s how much you would pay for a pint at Temple Bar, but you would have to shell out an additional 50 cents. This is good. Is the pizza good? Sure, but by no means is it a divine dining experience. It is, however, a satisfying meal that your wallet will thank you for. It is a meal that’ll take you away from being a tourist for a day. And it is a meal that’ll pad your stomach for the intense drinking later that night when you become a tourist again. This meal is good.