I had high hopes… I walk a lot. A podiatrist had just diagnosed me with a stiff big toe and suggested that I purchase a pair of «orthotics» for my shoes to redistribute the load. «Good Feet» appeared at the very corner that I was passing, so I walked in. The owner/mgr/…whomever it was I was talking with, seemed quite knowledgeable in orthotics and in what, clearly, was his sales pitch. He measured my feet, took a print of my feet with a type of carbon paper, went into the back and came out with what he said were well-fitted Orthotics, which I proceeded to to wear religiously for all activities, as he recommended, including at least 3 miles per day of walking. He also recommended new athletic shoes, which I purchased immediately. In short, I think I was the«perfect» customer, following Good Feet recommendations to the«T.» The results: Initially, it seemed to alleviate pain in the affected joint. But after 2 mos. the Orthotics resulted in bruising on the joints of my 2 outer small toes, fluid under the balls of my feet, fluid behind the knuckle of the afflicted big toe. After dedicated and responsible experience with their product and believing in the the product initially, I conclude that their simple«foot imprint» approach is simply a scam. While it offers general sizing information, it did not result in an orthotic well-fitted to my foot. Specifically, I have a wide foot, and apparently the Good Feet orthotic offered insufficient support horizontal support for my feet, which resulted in at least the bruising described earlier. The fluid eventually went away after 3 weeks of returning to regular shoes. I believe that the fluid was a result of the limited length of the plastic or leather-covered Good Feet orthotic – rather than one that accounts for all the features of one’s foot. LASTPOINT: During the purchase, the Good Feet representative simply misrepresented when he asserted that a custom orthotic would be 4 times the cost of the basic Good Feet orthotic.(…and at the same time told me that under no circumstances could an orthotic be returned). I am having a custom orthotic made next week by a reputable physician. The cost is less than the orthotic I purchased at Good Feet! So much for saving money(and my feet) with Good Feet.