I’m so happy there is finally a way I can explain the awful experience my son had with Dr. Melinski. When he was four years old I took him to Dr. Melinskis. I actually heard about his practice when my son went there on a Merrick Woods nursery school trip. Not a brilliant reason, but Dr. Melinski kept telling me my son had cavities that needed to be filled. I couldn’t understand why he would have so many cavities but I trusted him and kept bringing my son for appointments. Well the last time I brought him I could tell he was in a lot pain when Dr Melinski was working on a tooth. I intervened since it was obvious my son was in pain and the doctor was becoming impatient. DRMELINSKITHENTOLDMEHISCAVITYWASSOOODEEPHENEEDEDMYPEDIATRICIANTOGIVEHIMAPPROVALTOPUTHIMUNDERANESTHESIAINORDERTOWORKONITANDBESIDESTHERISKSINVOLVEDWITHANESTHESIAITWOULDCOSTME $ 1,000OUTOFPOCKET. HETOLDMEHEDOESTHATALLTHETIMEANDTHATHEHAD5KIDSTHATMORNINGTHATHEKNOCKEDOUT!!! I IMMEDIATELYFOUNDANOTHERPEDIATRICDENTISTWHOLOOKEDATTHETOOTHANDINFORMEDMETHATMYLITTLEBOYDIDN’T EVENHAVE A CAVITY!!! PRETTYSCARY. I wonder how much unnecessary work my boy may have had to endure before I realized what was going on… THISISMYREPLYTODR. MELINSKI’S RESPONSEBELOW: Everything I said is 1,000 percent true and if anything it was understated. I will never forget the look on my pediatrician’s face when I told him you wanted to put my son under anesthesia for a cavity! He stood there wide eyed shaking his head back and forth. Nor will I forget the shock I felt when the new pediatric dentist told me my son didn’t even have a cavity! I wonder how many children are being put under anesthesia in your office right now. Shame on you.