What a pretty place to spend a sunny summer afternoon. Being that it was my first time exploring Miami Shores and I had a box full of food I needed to eat, I opted to look for a local park at which to relax, eat and take in the day. At the time, there wasn’t much information on the jelps(gasp!), so I ventured to a search engine and came up with MSRC. Some easy directions later and my intrepid group was there. The first thing that hits you is the upkeep. There is so disrepair or hot mess-itis going on. This rec center is beautifully maintained with manicured grass, proper landscaping for shade trees, benches, baseball diamonds, playground, field house, and shaded seating areas. Yes, areaS. ’tis not all. Also expect to see/experience a soccer field with no chunks missing out of the turf(really? Yes, Gladys; really), tennis courts, water fountains from which you can drink and not fear the repercussions, and a running track. The rec center is smack dab in the middle of a residential area and I imagine that it must be quite the coup for the families who live nearby. It might not be a shock to experience a nicely maintained and very visually appealing swath of green space in the middle of a nice residential neighborhood but Toto and I certainly knew we weren’t in South Beach anymore. The change was nice. If you haven’t been, take some time this weekend to check it out for yourself. I think you’ll like it.