There must be some relation between Broadway Computers and Video and Broadway Cameras and Video! Both are titanic ripoffs, and should be avoided abolutely! Of course, the same should be said of Times Square, in general. It is as much of a pit as it was in Scorcese’s «Taxi Driver» days. If you are lured in by the lights, feel free to walk through. But, do not, and I mean, DONOT shop or eat there! You will be sorely disappointed. The only place I have had a good meal there is at Junior’s. And, how is that, you ask? Because it’s Junior’s! Back to this Godless hell hole! They are purely there to prey on the unknowing tourists passing through town. I am guessing many of them leave New York City with a truly bad impression of our city after going to an evil place such as this! The prices are astronomical! I guess it was with a twisited curiousity that I purchased a pair of Diamond Multimedia Mini Rockers, which are small speakers to use with your MP3 Player, computer, etc. The price tag said $ 129.99. The«salesman,» or more appropriately soulless(fill in the blank!) got the price down to $ 69.99. I still paid it, not really knowing how much these sold for. Of course, once I got home, I found out that they were $ 19.99 at Amazon, $ 26.99 at J&R, and originally $ 32.99MSRP. I went in the next day with the printoffs and got them down to $ 50 including tax. The city has a Department of Consumer Affairs, which handles swindles such as this. I advise all people who have been taken in our city to use this department to take action!