Bell’s advertises furniture, stuff, such, and ‘nic-nacs,’ and merely setting foot in the doorway will let you know why the eclecticism is to be advertised. You can find everything from Okay, so, very little of it would classify as ‘fine’ furniture or decoration, but there is no lack of inexpensive, quality material, whether you want a pristine, 24″-frame Raleigh road bike(the sticker advertises a shop in Tom’s River, NJ), a television, or a classic, 1970’s stand for said television. It is difficult to navigate owing to the tremendous amount of junk that is piled up to the ceiling, and is not terribly conducive to use as a furniture store since it was apparently converted from a bar at some point and therefore lacks space. I picked up a really solid desk(weighs a ton and has a super-classy and fully intact fake leather top) and a decent, clean, not very used mattress for $ 155, and conveniently was offered the use of Ron’s friend’s truck to move it to my place around the corner. Not too bad.