OK, as far as super markets go, Shoppers is down near the bottom of the barrel chain-wide. The stores are usually dirty with questionable and off-brand products. Quality is not the best, but prices are usually lower than any other store. The only thing that brings me to darken the door of a SFW is the donuts. They make donuts that blow all the other supermarket bakeries out of the water. They are massive, fresh, and cheap. They are a shining beacon in what would otherwise be a low rate discount food market and are the only reason I ever come here. For donut lovers: they have their own version of a cronut that is real standout.
Mark M.
Rating des Ortes: 3 Sterling, VA
SFW is a really reasonably priced store. You should be careful what you buy there. Don’t buy any beef whatsoever. If you look at their bone-in steaks they’re no good. They dye the meat red. Whenever you buy a bone-in steak look at the bone marrow in the bone. It should be pink and healthy looking. SFW steaks are dark brown. This means old steak. All their other meat chicken pork is good. They definitely need to get rid of the terrible beef and hamburger they sell. I know beef is expensive but they should get some good beef in there. If you want the best beef or steaks go to Wegmans.
Kathy S.
Rating des Ortes: 1 Sterling, VA
Employ a cashier, it’s not that difficult. All I wanted was a half dozen french cruellers. It sounded simple enough going in but I left in frustration. They had a tray of cruellers, unfortunately most were covered in chocolate goop. I was able to find three plain cruellers but there was not a single manned register on a Sunday morning at 9. I am sure I could have figured out how to play cashier to myself but with no bar code I had no idea how much to charge for the donuts. With plenty of grocery stores with actual employees and Dunkin Donut across the parking lot, no thank you Shoppers.