This place is huge. I recently volunteered here for my college course requirements and was amazed by how many people came in one day. This building is actually leased, but they do have a larger facility on 41st Street in Los Angeles. It’s great to see how many different people and companies come to sort out food for distribution. A lot of work goes into this process. They are one of the only places I contacted that were quick in responding to my volunteer request and were able to set me up with an assignment, all in the same week. I highly recommend volunteering here if you need school credits or just want to do something nice for the community. You can volunteer to this particular site by going to the website, clicking on volunteer and apply under the«Feed the Soul While Helping Feed the Hungry» event. Minimum age to volunteer is 14. You must have a permission slip signed by a parent/guardian if under the age of 18. There are other places to volunteer, just make sure that they are«Open to the Public».