I too was a satisfied CUSTOMER of MassHealth for 10 years. Then I too was given Celticare Health. I don’t know where to begin to describe how terrible this service is. Finding a PCP? I have been given 4 different PCP names and been on the phone for days and cannot find a PCP whom wants my business. «Not accepting new patients.» «No appointments for 3 – 4 months.» In fact, once you tell the doctor’s office that you are a Celticare CUSTOMER the receptionist immediately switches to a colder more hardened attitude and I am obviously being dissuaded from pursuing an appointment. «All appointments are now being scheduled after the first of the year». Plus, good luck trying to get a simple eye exam! I was given only three locations, NON of which are major eye practices, ie: Lencrafters, Pearle Vision, Baystate, or even Walmart etc. One«provider» works out of his house and the two other providers are a whole in the wall in the worst most crime ridden areas in the inner city of Worcester. Fighting outside the clinic, people asking for money as you are walking in the door and total chaos with noise and an enormous wait time once you walk in the door. And best of all — You will spend hours and days trying to get an appointment with one of three provider dentists for merely a cleaning within the next 6 – 8 months in a reputable office location.