Before leaving the city through the 16th Street artery, be sure to notice how the names of the streets blossom into semi-alphabetically listed fauna. This is a sure sign that you have entered Shepherd Park. The area is filled with children who go to the local Shepherd Elementary School, adults who frequent the neighborhood’s listserve, and teenagers who take advantage of the basketball courts and other open spaces to pass the time. Also, neighbors are friendly and active in the community and enjoy keeping the area clean and safe(just look at the way they cut their grass every weekend). Unfortunately I cannot Unilocal about everything there is to know about the area because this neighborhood deserves variegated representation. In other words, I’ll leave it for someone else to Unilocal about(the garden tour, the school, the yard sales, etc.). What I will talk about however is Shepherd Park’s hilly setting and how it makes for a great jog for anyone willing to sweat. For me, jogging around Shepherd Park is a task that starts at Eastern and Georgia Avenue and takes me around the triangle that many define as the boundaries of Shepherd Park. The boundaries are actually larger than the three sides of this massive triangle(Alaska Ave., Eastern Ave., and 16th St.) but for my purposes it’s nice to see a clearly defined shape that gives me a good sense of how far I have to jog. I go down Eastern first because it’s downhill and gives me a good warm up. After this it’s pretty much all uphill. Climbing up 16th Street and swimming against the current of oncoming traffic can be mentally and physically tiring(but that’s the point). After finally getting to Alaska Ave. &16th St.(all the way from Eastern Ave. &16th St.) I make a sharp left turn and breath heavily up the part the neighborhood that boarders Walter Reed Army Medical Center until I finally get back to my original starting point on Eastern Avenue. I’ve run this route backwards and forwards and both ways are pretty tough(although I think the one I just mentioned is tougher). This route provides joggers with the beautiful scenery that is Shepherd Park. From the large houses and synagogues on 16th Street to the trees and plants that make the area worthy of the fauna-inspired street names that make this neighborhood special, Shepherd Park is a great neighborhood for a refreshing jog at any time of the day(it’s safe too). Take my word for it, Shepherd Park’s hilly geography and well paved sidewalks are a hardcore jogger’s best friend. I’ve finally been able to run this route without stopping for rest. Perhaps I’ll take on Rock Creek Park now. P. S. For an easier jog, I recommend the track at Shepherd Elementary School’s lower field. P. P. S. While jogging this route try to spot the dinosaur skeleton in the yard of a local resident