When are you going to get round to buying rice, Sam’s? It seems every time I visit this place and slurringly ask for curry and rice, they don’t have half of the principle ingredients. It can’t be that hard. It’s the most common foodstuff on the planet. It’s a fact that, in a built up area at any given time, you are never more than three feet from some rice. Add to this curious deficit the bitterness the man at the counter always gives off when he responds to your query and you have a poor excuse for a takeaway. Okay! Don’t bite my head off! I just thought you’d have some rice by now! Jeez! Being the first possible food-stop when flocking up from town at the end of the night means Sam’s is mostly populated by lazyboneses or those unable to walk. If you want better food and better service, try Shiraz. At least they admit they never have rice.