I had cause to visit the Concorde in Edenmore not as a drinker, but as part of a promotion on behalf of a well known brewer, so I feel that I can write this review with a certain air of detachment. I’d been warned before going to the Concorde that it was rough as dogs nuts, and that if a fight broke out, the staff would lock the doors, so as not to attract the attention of the Gardaí, instead of actually stopping the fight and throwing people out. Now I didn’t see any of that on my visit, but the pub is pretty rough. A lot of the people there were very nice, but I’d say that it could be very intimidating for a non-local. And the pub is very much laid out in the tradition suburban pubs built in the 1960s, i. e ugly. Not a nice boozer, wouldn’t go there if I didn’t have to