What can you say about this place? Let’s see, it has been here as long as I been in Jackson Heights, so Syu least 15 years maybe even longer. It is in a prime location considering that ask the Bengali, indian, Pakistani, etc stores and food venue are right around the corner. Literally if you go upstairs there is one of the major Bengali sweet store right there. Around it are the«brother» stores, with a new one that was built only a year ago. Those stores are where they sell their vegetables and meat, as well as other assortment of Bengali products. Now this store is in a basement, or at least that’s what it looks like; I would say no more 700 sq feet if anything. So you already know how cramped and cluttered it can get. Well let’s just say there are making use of that place to every square inch. As soon as you enter your head can almost touch the ceiling if you are around six feet it seems like. You see this tiny little counter with the old cash register still there, and around it anything and everything. From batteries to deodorant you will find it right there. There are cords hanging right off the wall next to the counter. You have fans of all different brands, sizes, and prices crammed into the side where the pathway starts. If you are obese like me definitely get ready to suck in once in a while so you don’t bump people haha. Then it breaks down into three more aisles where, you guessed it, the level of space just decreases. For an OCD person this place is pretty much hell. They have lot of things scattered, however at the same time I am not blaming them for it since the level of space is pretty much nothing. You have game boards from Bangladesh here, and other assortment of items you find mostly in the Brown culture. The prices are quite good which is why I have them four stars. The usual things like tide or clorox are their normal prices but once in a while you find them at a bargain. They are as close, or may just be, to a ninety nine cent stores that are out there. The people are quite nice and helpful, and have been there the whole time I seen that store get created. If you ever need and indian utensils or other things come check out this place.