CRIBANDTEENCITYSPRINGFIELDDELIVERED A MATTRESSRIDDLEDWITHBEDBUGS. TIMELINE: INITIALPURCHASE: 3⁄29 EMPLOYEE(SCOTT) CALLEDMEFORBALANCE: 4⁄23 BALANCEPAIDINFULL: 4⁄26 WENTBACKTOSTOREASWAREHOUSENEVERCALLEDFORDELIVERY: 4⁄29 FURNITUREDELIVEREDON: 5⁄1 In addition to the fact that the bed is falling apart, with the screws clearly broken… the box spring I purchased for my son and X-Long Twin box spring and mattress with frame has bed bugs. My son noticed bites on his skin, about a month ago; this is now 2 months after the purchase. We initially thought it might be from his football workouts, grass and environment until we went on vacation, came back. After a long drive and returning on Friday night, we showered and my husband and I went to bed. I got up around 1:00am and notice my oldest wasn’t’ in his bed. I went downstairs and awoke him from the couch. He stated that his bed has bugs in it. I immediately went upstairs and noticed the reddish brown bugs. I moved the two little ones out of the room from their bunks. The next day, I began looking at each mattress. I rented a carpet cleaner that Sat. thinking they were in our carpet, and where else could they be. By Sunday morning, my husband and I began completely sanitizing their rooms as we didn’t notice they were anywhere else. We took my son’s mattress and box spring off and it was swarming with bed bugs and eggs. Needless to say, I am furious… we wrap their infested produce in a mattress cover and placed it outside. I am waiting until 12:00pm when they open. I paid almost 2,000 to have bed bugs in my kids room… I am devastated, appalled and hurt. I have not slept since returning from vacation and don’t know when I’ll ever be able to sleep with comfort again. I HAVENEVERHADBEDBUGS, OURHOUSEISCLEANANDWEDON’T HAECOMPANYORNORDOMYKIDSSPENDTHENIGHTOUT… EVER I have the pictures to prove both the faulty bed set and the bed bug… this is not and exaggeration or joke. PLEASESTAYAWAYFROMTHISSTORE…