The bees knees for jewellry, bags trinkets shoes belts socks pants hats EVERYTHING that falls into the category of the name of the store. I have always loved it. It is the sort of place where me and my mother will go and oooo and aaaa for hours because yes the stuff is so pretty and lovely and vaguely affordable. Unless they have a sale in which case hallelujah praise the jewellry lords! I have so many little stud earings and delicate pieces from here, their ranges are always new and exciting. This store is big and is always laid out really well, by colour style and item. They even have a fair trade selection of bags, admittedly not the best looking range, but at least they are trying right? Also, their knickers are really pretty and special, sold in nice little pouches, so check them out. And all the other little exciting things at the counter, like the designed rings, which make a last attempt at you to part with your money.